Simple Commands

It is finally time to implement a “command” so that users can actually do something with the system we are building. We’re going to implement the “delete” command.

We’ll start with the MRS for “delete a large file”, which has a few new predications to deal with:

[ TOP: h0
RELS: < 
[ pronoun_q LBL: h4 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 2 PT: zero ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ]
[ pron LBL: h7 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 2 PT: zero ] ]
[ _a_q LBL: h9 ARG0: x8 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: sg IND: + ] RSTR: h10 BODY: h11 ]
[ _large_a_1 LBL: h12 ARG0: e13 [ e SF: prop TENSE: untensed MOOD: indicative PROG: bool PERF: - ] ARG1: x8 ]
[ _file_n_of LBL: h12 ARG0: x8 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: sg IND: + ] ARG1: i14 ]
[ _delete_v_1 LBL: h1 ARG0: e2 [ e SF: comm TENSE: pres MOOD: indicative PROG: - PERF: - ] ARG1: x3 ARG2: x8 ]
HCONS: < h0 qeq h1 h5 qeq h7 h10 qeq h12 > ]

                                               ┌── _large_a_1(e13,x8)
                                   ┌────── and(0,1)
               ┌────── pron(x3)    │             │
               │                   │             └ _file_n_of(x8,i14)
pronoun_q(x3,RSTR,BODY)            │
                    └─ _a_q(x8,RSTR,BODY)
                                        └─ _delete_v_1(e2,x3,x8)

The sentence force for this sentence is SF: comm meaning “command”, determined the same way we described in an earlier section.

Pronouns: pron and pronoun_q

The first two new predicates we encounter are: pron(x3) and pronoun_q(x3,RSTR,BODY) and they often work together as they do here.

pron(x) needs to fill x with an object that represents what the specified pronoun is referring to. It does this by looking at the properties for the x variable to determine if the pronoun is “you” (PERS: 2 – second person), “him/her”(PERS: 3 – third person), etc. and sets the variable to be whatever the pronoun is referring to.

There were not any pronouns in our command “delete a large file”, so where did the pron predication come from? In this case, the pronoun is an implied “you” since it is a command. I.e “(You) delete a large file”. Because we are not including the notion of other people in the file system, the only pronouns we probably care to understand are “you” (“can you delete the file?” or the implied case above) and maybe “I” (“I want to delete a file”). For now, let’s just do “you” and fail otherwise.

pronoun_q is just a simple, default quantifier predication that doesn’t do anything except introduce the variable that pron uses. It acts just like which_q did in the Simple Questions topic .

To implement these, we’ll need to create a new class to represent “actors” in the system, and then create an instance of it that represents the computer by adding it to the State object. We’ll say that “the computer” is who should be returned when the user says “You” (second person) by setting the Actor object’s person property to 2. Example7() has the State object and the MRS object with these new concepts added:

# Represents something that can "do" things, like a computer
# or a human (or a dog, etc)
class Actor(UniqueObject):
    def __init__(self, name, person):
        super().__init__() = name
        self.person = person

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Actor(name={}, person={self.person})"
def Example7():
    state = State([Actor(name="Computer", person=2),
                   File(name="file1.txt", size=2000000),
                   File(name="file2.txt", size=1000000)])

    mrs = {}
    mrs["Index"] = "e2"
    mrs["Variables"] = {"x3": {"PERS": 2},
                        "e2": {"SF": "comm"}}
    mrs["RELS"] = [["pronoun_q", "x3", ["pron", "x3"], ["_a_q", "x8", [["_large_a_1", "e1", "x8"], ["_file_n_of", "x8"]], ["_delete_v_1", "e2", "x3", "x8"]]]]
    RespondToMRS(state, mrs)

Now the system knows about files, folders and actors. Or, rather, it now has actors in the world state. We need to teach it how to recognize actors by implementing the two new predications concerning pronouns: pron and pronoun_q:

  • pron will look for an Actor object in the system with the same person value as the pron predication’s x variable.
  • pronoun_q will use the default_quantifer we defined previously.
@Predication(vocabulary, name="pron")
def pron(state, x_who):
    person = state.GetVariable("mrs")["Variables"][x_who]["PERS"]
    for item in state.AllIndividuals():
        if isinstance(item, Actor) and item.person == person:
            yield state.SetX(x_who, item)

# This is just used as a way to provide a scope for a
# pronoun, so it only needs the default behavior
@Predication(vocabulary, name="pronoun_q")
def pronoun_q(state, x, h_rstr, h_body):
    yield from default_quantifier(state, x, h_rstr, h_body)

Verbs and State Changes: delete_v_1

The last new predication is _delete_v_1. _delete_v_1 is the first “real” verb we’ve dealt with. The others so far have been “implied” “to be” verbs for a phrase like “a file is large”, and they don’t show up in the MRS as described previously. A verb looks like every other predication: it has a name and arguments. And, because verbs can be modified by words like adverbs (e.g. “permanently delete the file”), it introduces an event to hang modifiers on. Like many verbs, the second argument represents the “actor”: the person or thing doing the deleting. The final argument is what to delete.

Because our world state is simply a Python list of Python objects, the logic for deleting something is going to be trivial: remove the thing from the list. In fact, implementing what we are doing here in a real file system interface would be trivial as well: delete the file. However, we would have to decide what to do if a user command like “delete every file” fails to delete one of them for some reason. We’ll ignore that in our example and just remove the files from the State object’s list of state. We can safely do this, even though other predications may still be iterating over them, because our State object is immutable (as described previously) and we will keep it that way by returning a new State object when something is deleted, just like we already do for setting variables.

We do have a problem, though. As you’ll see later, we will encounter phrases like “delete every file”, which have a different solution (i.e. state object) for each file that gets deleted. Each solution will have only one of the files deleted. In order to end up with a single world state that has all the files deleted, we’ll have to merge them together at the end somehow.

The solution is to create the concept of an “operation” class which does “something” to the state. We will build different operation classes that do different things over time (rename, copy, etc). If a command succeeds with multiple solutions, we can collect all of the operations from the solutions apply all of them to a single state object at the end. In fact, this is a good way to implement our system in general: build up a set of operations based on what the user says and, when we have the final solved MRS, actually apply them to the file system. We won’t be taking that final step here, but we could.

We’ll start by building some new mechanics into the State object to handle operations and create the DeleteOperation class:

class State(object):
    def __init__(self, objects):
        # Remember all the operations applied to the state object
        self.operations = []
    # Call to apply a list of operations to
    # a new State object
    def ApplyOperations(self, operation_list):
        newState = copy.deepcopy(self)
        for operation in operation_list:

        return newState

    def GetOperations(self):
        return copy.deepcopy(self.operations)
# Delete any object in the system
class DeleteOperation(object):
    def __init__(self, object_to_delete):
        self.object_to_delete = object_to_delete

    def ApplyTo(self, state):
        for index in range(0, len(state.objects)):
            # Use the `unique_id` property to compare objects since they 
            # may have come from different `State` objects and will thus be copies
            if state.objects[index].unique_id == self.object_to_delete.unique_id:

An “operation” in our system is simply an object that has an ApplyTo() method that “does something” to the State object it is passed. The DeleteOperation operation class deletes any object in the system by removing it from the State object’s list of objects. It uses the unique_id property to compare objects since they may have come from different State objects and will thus be copies.

This is a case where our “immutable” State class is actually being changed. That’s OK, though, because only the State class will be asking it to do this, and only on a fresh State object that isn’t in use yet.

When an operation is applied to the State class, we’ll remember what happened by adding the operation to the new State object’s list of operations. Then, once we’ve collected all the solutions to a problem like “delete every file”, we can gather the operations from each of the solutions using the GetOperations() method, and apply them, as a group, to the original state. This will give us a new state object that combines them all. You’ll see this at the end of this section.

So now we can finally implement the verb delete_v_1:

@Predication(vocabulary, name="_delete_v_1")
def delete_v_1(state, e_introduced, x_actor, x_what):
    # We only know how to delete things from the
    # computer's perspective
    if state.GetVariable(x_actor).name == "Computer":
        x_what_value = state.GetVariable(x_what)
        yield state.ApplyOperations([DeleteOperation(x_what_value)])

delete_v_1 first checks to make sure the actor is “Computer”. That’s because the user could have said “Bill deletes a file” and we’d prefer the system to say “I don’t know who Bill is” than to just delete the file. We should only delete the file when the computer is told to delete it.

TODO: Need to implement the full predication contract for the verb

Then, we use our new ApplyOperations() method to do the deleting and return the new state object with the object gone.

Finally, we need to add a new clause to RespondToMRS() to handle commands. It will simply say “Done!” if the command worked. It will also collect up all of the operations that happened and apply them to a single state object. This isn’t really necessary for this example since we are only deleting one file, but is necessary for phrases like “delete every file”:

def RespondToMRS(state, mrs):
    elif sentence_force == "comm":
        # This was a command so, if it works, just say so
        # We'll get better errors and messages in upcoming sections
        if len(solutions) > 0:
            # Collect all of the operations that were done
            all_operations = []
            for solution in solutions:
                all_operations += solution.GetOperations()

            # Now apply all the operations to the original state object and 
            # print it to prove it happened
            final_state = state.ApplyOperations(all_operations)

            print("Couldn't do that.")
def Example7():
    state = State([Actor(name="Computer", person=2),
                   File(name="file1.txt", size=2000000),
                   File(name="file2.txt", size=1000000)])

    mrs = {}
    mrs["Index"] = "e2"
    mrs["Variables"] = {"x3": {"PERS": 2},
                        "e2": {"SF": "comm"}}
    mrs["RELS"] = [["pronoun_q", "x3", ["pron", "x3"], ["_a_q", "x8", [["_large_a_1", "e1", "x8"], ["_file_n_of", "x8"]], ["_delete_v_1", "e2", "x3", "x8"]]]]

    RespondToMRS(state, mrs)
# Outputs:
[Actor(name=Computer, person=2), Folder(name=Desktop), Folder(name=Documents), File(name=file2.txt, size=1000000)]

You can see by the output that a single, arbitrary file was deleted.

There are a couple of interesting things to point out in what we’ve done. The code for delete_v_1 will delete anything, so the phrase “delete you” will actually work! Of course, it will then mess up the system because every command after that will not be able to find the implied “you”. This is part of the magic and the challenge of implementing MRS predications, if you implement them right, they can be very general and allow constructions that you hadn’t thought of.

Here’s the MRS to prove that “delete you” only has predications that we’ve implemented:

Type: command
Missing predicates: '[{'FoundSynonym': False, 'Word': 'delete', 'SynonymData': []}]' 
[ TOP: h0
RELS: < [ pronoun_q LBL: h10 ARG0: x8 [ x PERS: 2 IND: + PT: std ] RSTR: h11 BODY: h12 ]
[ pron LBL: h9 ARG0: x8 [ x PERS: 2 IND: + PT: std ] ]
[ pronoun_q LBL: h4 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 2 PT: zero ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ]
[ pron LBL: h7 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 2 PT: zero ] ]
[ _delete_v_1 LBL: h1 ARG0: e2 [ e SF: comm TENSE: pres MOOD: indicative PROG: - PERF: - ] ARG1: x3 ARG2: x8 ]
HCONS: < h0 qeq h1 h5 qeq h7 h11 qeq h9 > ]

               ┌────── pron(x8)
pronoun_q(x8,RSTR,BODY)               ┌────── pron(x3)
                    └─ pronoun_q(x3,RSTR,BODY)
                                           └─ _delete_v_1(e2,x3,x8)

Here’s the MRS translated into a sample and showing the person getting deleted:

def Example8():
    state = State([Actor(name="Computer", person=2),
                   File(name="file1.txt", size=2000000),
                   File(name="file2.txt", size=1000000)])

    mrs = {}
    mrs["Index"] = "e2"
    mrs["Variables"] = {"x3": {"PERS": 2},
                        "x8": {"PERS": 2},
                        "e2": {"SF": "comm"}}
    mrs["RELS"] = [["pronoun_q", "x3", ["pron", "x3"], ["pronoun_q", "x8", ["pron", "x8"], ["_delete_v_1", "e2", "x3", "x8"]]]]

    RespondToMRS(state, mrs)

# Outputs:
[Folder(name=Desktop), Folder(name=Documents), File(name=file1.txt, size=2000000), File(name=file2.txt, size=1000000)]

The fix can be a simple “allow list” of types that are allowed to be deleted, like this:

@Predication(vocabulary, name="_delete_v_1")
def delete_v_1(state, e_introduced, x_actor, x_what):
    # We only know how to delete things from the
    # computer's perspective
    if state.GetVariable(x_actor).name == "Computer":
        x_what_value = state.GetVariable(x_what)
        # Only allow deleting files and folders
        if isinstance(x_what_value, (File, Folder)):
            yield state.ApplyOperations([DeleteOperation(x_what_value)])

Comprehensive source for the completed tutorial is available here.

Last update: 2023-05-17 by EricZinda [edit]