S-String Overview

As described in the Words in Failures topic, errors or messages to the user often need to include a representation of some noun that the user said. For example, a user might say, “give me a long brown towel”. Here’s one tree for that phrase:

                                             ┌──── _towel_n_1(x8)
                                             │ ┌── _brown_a_1(e19,x8)
                                 ┌────── and(0,1,2)
               ┌────── pron(x9)  │               └ _long_a_2(e18,x8)
pronoun_q(x9,RSTR,BODY)          │
                    └─ _a_q(x8,RSTR,BODY)
                                      │                 ┌────── pron(x3)
                                      └─ pronoun_q(x3,RSTR,BODY)
                                                             └─ _give_v_1(e2,x3,x8,x9)

We’d like to have the code for _give_v_1 be able to say “There isn’t {whatever x8 is} in the system” without having to write a bunch of non-trivial code to decode the tree and turn it into English. To help, Perplexity has a built-in way to do this. In fact, it provides a very general way to build responses by providing a template. It is called an “s-string” and works analogously to f-strings in Python.

At its most basic level, s-strings can be used like an f-strings to do replacement of variables in a string like this:

>>> value1 = "hello"
>>> print(
          s("The value is {*value1}")

The value is hello

s() is the s-string function and it takes a string that will be processed. Anything enclosed in {} in the string will be converted to text by the system. Above we’ve used *value1 as the value to be replaced. The * means “put whatever is in value1 in the string as-is”.

S-strings also understand how MRS trees work and can convert a DELPH-IN variable like x8 in the above example into the English that represents it. To do this it also requires passing the MRS tree that should be decoded. This is always available in a special 'tree' variable in the state argument of a predication. It can be accessed by calling state.get_binding('tree').value[0].

So, we could print a message from the _give_v_1 predication above like this:

@Predication(vocabulary, names=["_give_v_1"])
def give_v_1(state, e_introduced, x_giver_binding, x_what_binding, x_receiver_binding):
        s("There isn't {x_what_binding.variable.name} in the system", state.get_binding('tree').value[0])

A term in {} without a * in front like: {x_variable_binding.variable.name} tells the system to interpret the expression as containing a DELPH-IN variable name. The system will convert the DELPH-IN variable to English by decoding the tree passed to s(), and looking for all the terms that modify the variable. Then it will put that English representation in the string.

Using our example of “Give me a long brown towel” with the code for give_v_1() above, the system will print out:

There isn't a long brown towel in the system

Note that the system includes the quantifier the user used for x8, which is “a” in this case, because we didn’t specify one inside the {}. That means if the user said “give me the beautiful towels”, we’d get this printed out:

There isn't the beautiful towels in the system

Which isn’t quite right. We really want something like “There aren’t any beautiful towels”, which we can generate like this:

@Predication(vocabulary, names=["_give_v_1"])
def give_v_1(state, e_introduced, x_giver_binding, x_what_binding, x_receiver_binding):
        s("There aren't any {bare x_what_binding.variable.name:pl}", state.get_binding('tree').value[0])

By using {bare x_what_binding.variable.name:pl}, we’ve told the system to get rid of the quantifier (by using bare) and to put it into plural form (by using :pl). Now, we get a better result:

"give me the beautiful towels" -> There aren't any beautiful towels
"give me a towel on the chair" -> There aren't any towels on the chair

Sometimes you need a word in the phrase to match the plurality of a word in the MRS. Let’s say we want to print the message, “[what the user said] is in the cupboard”. We could do that by writing this code:

@Predication(vocabulary, names=["_give_v_1"])
def give_v_1(state, e_introduced, x_giver_binding, x_what_binding, x_receiver_binding):
        s("{x_what_binding.variable.name} {'is':<x_what_binding.variable.name} in the cupboard", state.get_binding('tree').value[0])

For this version:

  • {x_what_binding.variable.name} says “use the existing quantifier and plurality as the user said it” like our first example.
  • {'is':<x_what_binding.variable.name} says “make the word 'is' match the English represented by the DELPH-IN variable in x_what_binding.variable.name

Here are some examples of it in use:

give me the towels        -> the towels are in the cupboard
give me a towel           -> a towel is in the cupboard
give me some clean towels -> some clean towels are in the cupboard

S-String Reference

Elements in an s-string have the format {determiner value:pluralization@meaning_at_index}. The below sections go through each section of the format and describe all of the valid values.


s-string format: {determiner value:pluralization@meaning_at_index}

The only required part of an s-string is: value:

  • value is interpreted as a Python variable that contains a string representing a DELPH-IN variable such as "x8"
  • *value is interpreted as a Python variable that can contain any text such as "dog", "is" or "the frying pan from my room"
  • "value" or 'value' is interpreted as a raw string

Note: When using the *value or "value" forms, any text can be used and will be inserted into the string. However, if pluralization is also being used (see below) to get the word transformed into a specific plural form, the text must be a singular noun form.


s-string format: {determiner value:pluralization@meaning_at_index}

Put one of the following as determiner to force that type of article to be used instead of what the user said:

  • a or an to include an indefinite article. Either works and will be changed to match the text when the string is evaluated.
  • the to include a definite article
  • bare to remove all articles

Providing no determiner uses the determiner (if any) that was in the user’s phrase.


User says 'the lively party':

{value}      -> "the lively party"
{an value}   -> "a lively party"
{bare value} -> "lively party


s-string format: {determiner value:pluralization@meaning_at_index}

To capitalize the generated text, capitalize determiner, like {The value} or {Bare value}

User says 'the lively party':

{An value} -> "A lively party"
{Bare value} -> "Lively party"


s-string format: {determiner value:pluralization@meaning_at_index}

pluralization specifies how to shape the plural of the item represented by value. To force the item into plural or singular form, use : followed by:

  • sg : singular
  • pl : plural
  • (no text) : leave as-is
  • <delphin_variable: match the singular or plural of whatever the DELPH-IN variable in delphin_variable represents
  • <*noun_variable: match the singular or plural of whatever noun is contained directly in noun_variable
  • <"noun value": match the singular or plural of a noun string literal

Note that for pluralization to work when value is not a DELPH-IN variable:

  • *value must be a singular form word such as "dog" or "is"
  • "value" or 'value' must be a raw string that is similarly in singular form

Meaning at Index

s-string format: {determiner value:pluralization@meaning_at_index}

The meaning of a DELPH-IN variable in an MRS tree depends on where in the tree it gets evaluated. @meaning_at_index tells the system to convert a DELPH-IN variable to what its meaning would be after evaluating all the predications up to, but not including, the predication at that index. The index represents the depth-first evaluation order the system uses, starting at zero.

meaning_after_index can be a numeric literal like 5, or it can be a local variable like x.

For example, the tree below for, “The dirty car is yellow” has the predication indexes represented before each predication:

                         ┌── 1:_car_n_1(x3)
             ┌────── and(0,1)
             │             └ 2:_dirty_a_1(e8,x3)
                  └─ 3:_yellow_a_1(e2,x3)

Assuming a variable x3_variable = 'x3' then we can generate the value of x3 at each point in the tree like this:

  1. {x3_variable:@0} means before the tree starts: "thing"
  2. {x3_variable:@1} means after _the_q: "the thing"
  3. {x3_variable:@2} means after _car_n_1 is: "the car"
  4. {x3_variable:@3} means after __dirty_a_1 is: "the dirty car"
  5. {x3_variable:@4} means after the tree is finished: "the dirty yellow car"

If no @meaning_at_index is provided, the default is to generate the tree only to the point right after where the variable is introduced. That would be @2 above.

To facilitate generating errors when predications are being executed, @meaning_at_index can also be set automatically if special values of value are used. The special values must be a Python list in one of these forms:

  • ["AtPredication", TreePredication, variable]: Evaluate variable’s English meaning at the index from the predication object in TreePredication
  • ["AfterFullPhrase", variable]: Evaluate variable’s English meaning after the whole tree is evaluated

For example, if we have the following code:

@Predication(vocabulary, names=["_give_v_1"])
def give_v_1(state, e_introduced, x_giver_binding, x_what_binding, x_receiver_binding):
  after_tree = ["AfterFullPhrase", x_what_binding.variable.name]
        s("{after_tree} in the cupboard", state.get_binding('tree').value[0])

And say the phrase “give me the blue dog”, the code would print:

the blue dog is in the cupboard

Since that is what x means after the entire phrase is done.

If we instead implement the _the_q predication like this:

@Predication(vocabulary, names=["_the_q"])
def the_q(state, x_variable_binding, h_rstr, h_body):
  at_predication = ["AtPredication", h_rstr[1], x_variable_binding.variable.name]
        s("{at_predication} is in the cupboard", state.get_binding('tree').value[0])

And say the phrase “give me the blue dog”, we would get:

the dog is in the cupboard

Since we have chosen to get the representation of the variable after only the first item in the _the_q RSTR has been evaluated. The RSTR for “the blue dog” would be a conjunction of [_dog_n_1(x8), _blue_a_1(e18,x8)] like this:

                                               ┌── _dog_n_1(x8)
                                   ┌────── and(0,1)
               ┌────── pron(x9)    │             └ _blue_a_1(e18,x8)
pronoun_q(x9,RSTR,BODY)            │
                    └─ _the_q(x8,RSTR,BODY)
                                        │                 ┌────── pron(x3)
                                        └─ pronoun_q(x3,RSTR,BODY)
                                                               └─ _give_v_1(e2,x3,x8,x9)

So asking for ["AtPredication", h_rstr[1], x_variable_binding.variable.name] sets the second element of the RSTR to be the @meaning_at_index, which skips _blue_a_1.

Last update: 2023-06-01 by EricZinda [edit]