Solution Group Algorithm

As described in the previous section, the only way to represent the semantics of collective, distributive and cumulative readings of a sentence like:

students lifted a table

formula: student(x3), table(x10), lift(x3, x10)
scoped formula: scope(x3, [student(x3), scope(x10, [table(y), lift(x3, x10)])])

… is to have the solver create groups of solutions (“solution groups”) that are the complete answers – a single solution to the MRS is not enough. This section describes one algorithm that can accomplish this.


The basic approach is to generate the solutions, exactly like we’ve been doing so far, but then add a new “grouping pass” afterward. The grouping pass will find the groups of solutions that meet all the numeric constraints that the words in the phrase have placed on the variables. The groups found represent the complete answers to the MRS.

To illustrate what “numeric constraint” means, take “students lifted a table”:

  • “students …” is plural, which means the contraint is: count(students) > 2
  • “… a table” means the constraint is: count(tables) = 1
  • etc.

To generate solution groups from the flat list of solutions, we could start by generating all combinations of solutions and testing them. For a given combination from the above example: to determine count(students), we could simply count the students across all the solutions in the combination. If we do this as well for count(tables), and return those combinations where count(students) > 1 and count(tables) = 1, we will produce groups which are valid, but will miss any answers that require a “per previous value” count. So, we’ll miss the distributive groups. We need to do a slightly more complicated counting algorithm that is “per previous value” to get all the readings.

Here’s an overview of how the algorithm can determine groups that properly account for cumulative, collective and distributive readings:

  1. Determine the order variables appear when evaluating the tree
  2. Walk the variables in order. For each variable: count individuals in the solutions two different ways:
    • Cumulatively: Total the variable individuals across all solutions in the group (as above)
    • Distributively/collectively: Group the individuals by the value of the previous variable in the order, and then do the total per previous value. If the totals are all the same, across all previous values, that is the count. If not, this count fails and has no value.
      • If this is the first variable: there is no “previous variable” to use for the “total per previous value” definition of collective and distributive. Therefore, the first variable can only be totalled as cumulative.
  3. If either count meets the variable constraint, it succeeds and the next variable in the order is tried. If not, this group fails.
  4. If the end is reached and all variables succeeded, this is a valid solution group.

To get the groups that should be checked using the process above, we (you guessed it…) try every combination of solutions that solving the tree produced. We will end this entire section with ways of efficiently doing this, but we’ll start with the simplistic approach because it is easier to follow and does work, just not efficiently as it could.

Figuring out which constraints are on the variables is a longer story, which the next few sections will cover.

Variable Constraints Overview

Notice that every x variable used in a tree has some kind of numeric constraint applied to it, even if implied. We can model them all using a between(min, max) (inclusive) constraint with a lower bound and an upper bound. The upper bound can be “inf”, meaning “infinity”.

For “students lifted a table”:

  • “students …” is plural, which means: between(2, inf)
  • “… a table” means: between(1, 1) (i.e. exactly 1)

For “which file is under 2 tables?”:

  • “… file …” is singular, which means: between(1, 1)
  • “… 2 tables …” specifies two, so: between(2, 2)

between(1, inf) is the default constraint, meaning: “anything”. Variables with no other constraint get this one – it is implied.

The next section talks about how to extract these constraints from the tree itself.

Determining Constraints From the MRS Tree

Numeric constraints can come from 3 places in an MRS: quantifiers, adjectives and the plurality property of a variable. Determining constraints will force us to finally start looking at full MRS documents as opposed to simplified MRS fragments that use the artificial scope() predication we invented in the previous section.

Let’s start with “two students lifted a table”. Here’s one MRS reading of it, along with one well-formed tree:

[ "two students lifted a table"
  TOP: h0
  INDEX: e2 [ e SF: prop TENSE: past MOOD: indicative PROG: - PERF: - ]
  RELS: < [ udef_q<0:3> LBL: h4 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: pl IND: + ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ]
          [ card<0:3> LBL: h7 ARG0: e9 [ e SF: prop TENSE: untensed MOOD: indicative PROG: - PERF: - ] ARG1: x3 CARG: "2" ]
          [ _student_n_of<4:12> LBL: h7 ARG0: x3 ARG1: i10 ]
          [ _lift_v_cause<13:19> LBL: h1 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x3 ARG2: x11 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: sg IND: + ] ]
          [ _a_q<20:21> LBL: h12 ARG0: x11 RSTR: h13 BODY: h14 ]
          [ _table_n_1<22:27> LBL: h15 ARG0: x11 ] >
  HCONS: < h0 qeq h1 h5 qeq h7 h13 qeq h15 > ]

                        ┌── _student_n_of(x3,i10)
            ┌────── and(0,1)
            │             └ card(2,e9,x3)
                 │             ┌────── _table_n_1(x11)
                 └─ _a_q(x11,RSTR,BODY)
                                    └─ _lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x11)

Text Tree: udef_q(x3,[_student_n_of(x3,i10), card(2,e9,x3)],_a_q(x11,_table_n_1(x11),_lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x11)))

Two points to note as we transition to using real MRS trees instead of simplified trees:

  1. At this point, we can dispense with the artificial scope() predication because the MRS quantifier predications (those with _q at the end) fulfill the same variable scoping role as scope(). They declare where in the tree a variable can be used. They also can add numeric constraints to the variable, as we’ll see below.
  2. Predications in MRS have variable types beyond the x-type variables we’ve been using. For the examples we’ll see here, these can be safely ignored. We’ll handle those in a later section.

With that covered, let’s walk through how to get the numeric constraints from the above MRS.

Order of Variables

First, notice that the variable order in this tree is [x3, x11] (read left to right) since that is the order of the variable quantifiers when evaluating the tree depth-first.

Quantifier Constraints

Each variable in an MRS must have a quantifier that scopes it (the artificial scope() predication performed this function in prior examples), and quantifiers always add a numeric criteria to the variable they scope. Some, like udef_q in our example, add the default criteria between(1, inf). This simply means: “at least one”. The _a_q quantifier means “a single thing”, so it adds between(1, 1).

Thus, the quantifiers in this example add these constraints:

x3 (students) x11(table)
udef: between(1, inf) _a_q: between(1, 1)

Adjective Constraints

Some adjectives also add numeric constraints. In our example, the adjective “two” gets converted to the predication: card(2,e9,x3) in the MRS. This predication adds the constraint between(2, 2) to x3. Now we have these:

x3 (students) x11(table)
udef: between(1, inf) _a_q: between(1, 1)
card: between(2, 2)  

Plural Variable Properties

Finally, some variables (x3 in our example), are defined to be plural by the MRS, as indicated by NUM: pl in the variable properties of x3:

[ udef_q<0:3> LBL: h4 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: pl IND: + ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ]

This adds the constraint between(2, inf) to x3.

x11 from _table_n_1(x11) is singular based on its variable properties:

[ _lift_v_cause<13:19> LBL: h1 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x3 ARG2: x11 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: sg IND: + ] ]

… so it adds between(1, 1):

Thus, our final list of constraints is:

x3 (students) x11(table)
udef: between(1, inf) _a_q: between(1, 1)
card: between(2, 2) [NUM: sg]: between(1, 1)
[NUM: pl]: between(2, inf)  

Combining Constraints

The final constraints from the example can be combined. If x3 must be:

  • “between 1 and infinity” and “between 2 and infinity” then saying “between 2 and infinity” is enough.
  • “between 2 and infinity” and “between 2 and 2 (i.e. exactly 2)” then saying “between 2 and 2” is enough.

Using this logic, the final list of constraints above can be reduced to:

x3 (students) x11(table)
between(2, 2) between(1, 1)

Which matches the intuition that there should be exactly two students and exactly one table (possibly for each student) in “two students lifted a table”.

MRS Constraints Summary

So, now we have an approach to gathering the constraints from the MRS:

For each x variable in the MRS:

  1. Add the appropriate constraint for its quantifier
  2. Add any constraints from adjectives that modify it
  3. Add the NUM: pl or NUM: sg constraint
  4. Reduce them to the minimal set

The Final Algorithm: Introducing Phase 0

This section started by describing the two phases of the solver algorithm:

  • Phase 1: Evaluate the MRS tree to get the solutions
  • Phase 2: Group the solutions into solution groups that meet the phrase’s numeric constraints

It turns out that the (just described) process of building the numeric constraints is really a “Phase 0”. And, if you think about what adjectives like “two” (or “a few” or “many”) actually do, their entire contribution is to act as a numeric constraint. Their work happens during Phase 2 … they have nothing to do in Phase 1. So, after we extract the criteria from them in Phase 0, they should be removed from the tree and Phase 1 should be solved using the modified tree without them.

Furthermore, recall that quantifiers do two things: scope a variable and add a numeric constraint to the variable. So, after you extract the numeric constraint from quantifiers like _a_q or _some_q, you’ve also removed all of their contribution to Phase 1 except for variable scoping. So, we don’t remove them, but we do replace them with the most generic quantifier: udef_q.

Thus, Phase 0 analyzes a full tree for “2 students lifted a table”, one of which is this:

                        ┌── _student_n_of(x3,i10)
            ┌────── and(0,1)
            │             └ card(2,e9,x3)
                 │             ┌────── _table_n_1(x11)
                 └─ _a_q(x11,RSTR,BODY)
                                    └─ _lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x11)

… but then, after extracting numeric constraints, converts it to a tree without the numeric constraints in it (since those will run in Phase 2), and provides this modified tree to Phase 1:

            ┌────── _student_n_of(x3,i10)
                 │               ┌────── _table_n_1(x11)
                 └─ udef_q(x11,RSTR,BODY)
                                      └─ _lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x11)

… and finally Phase 3 runs the extracted numeric constraints over the Phase 1 solutions to generate the final solution groups.

Here’s the full algorithm all in one place:

Phase 0: Setup

  1. Start with a well-formed MRS Tree
  2. Determine the list of x variables in the tree and the order they will be evaluated in
  3. Determine the constraints placed on each x variable by predications that modify it
  4. Create a modified tree by:
    • Removing adjective predications that added numeric constraints
    • Changing quantifiers that added numeric constraints to udef_q

Phase 1: Solution Generation

  1. Generate the list of solutions to the modified tree using the approach described in the previous section

Phase 2: Group Generation

  1. For each possible combination of solutions from Phase 1: Walk the x variables in evaluation order.
  2. For each x variable: Count individuals in the solutions two different ways:
    • Cumulatively: Total the variable individuals across all solutions in the combination
    • Distributive/collectively: Group the individuals by the value of the previous variable in the order, and total individuals in this variable per previous value. If the totals are all the same, across all previous values, that is the count. If not, this count fails and has no value.
      • If this is the first variable, there is no “previous variable” to use in the “total per previous value” definition of distributive/collective. Therefore, the first can only be totalled cumulatively
  3. If either count meets the variable constraints: it succeeds and the next variable in the order is tried
    • If not: this group fails and the next combination group starts at step #5
  4. If the end of the variables is reached and all succeeded, this combination is a valid solution group

When numeric constraints are removed from an MRS we are left with a relatively straightforward constraint satisfaction problem that should be able to return solutions quickly, but there still may be many solutions.


That can be a lot to take in, so let’s go through an example, “students lifted a table”:

[ "students lifted a table"
  TOP: h0
  INDEX: e2 [ e SF: prop TENSE: past MOOD: indicative PROG: - PERF: - ]
  RELS: < [ udef_q<0:8> LBL: h4 ARG0: x3 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: pl IND: + ] RSTR: h5 BODY: h6 ]
          [ _student_n_of<0:8> LBL: h7 ARG0: x3 ARG1: i8 ]
          [ _lift_v_cause<9:15> LBL: h1 ARG0: e2 ARG1: x3 ARG2: x9 [ x PERS: 3 NUM: sg IND: + ] ]
          [ _a_q<16:17> LBL: h10 ARG0: x9 RSTR: h11 BODY: h12 ]
          [ _table_n_1<18:23> LBL: h13 ARG0: x9 ] >
  HCONS: < h0 qeq h1 h5 qeq h7 h11 qeq h13 > ]

            ┌────── _student_n_of(x3,i8)
udef_q(x3,RSTR,BODY)          ┌────── _table_n_1(x10)
                 └─ _a_q(x10,RSTR,BODY)
                                   └─ _lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x10)

Text Tree: udef_q(x3,_student_n_of(x3,i8),_a_q(x10,_table_n_1(x10),_lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x10)))

Phase 0: Setup

  • Start with a well-formed MRS Tree
  • Determine the list of x variables in the tree and the order they will be evaluated in
  • Determine the constraints placed on each x variable by predications that modify it.

Using the approach described above, the evaluation order of variables is [x3, x10] in a depth-first traversal and the found constraints for the variables are:

x3 (students) x10(table)
udef: between(1, inf) _a_q: between(1, 1)
[NUM: pl]: between(2, inf) [NUM: sg]: between(1, 1)

When simplified, they are:

x3 (students) x10(table)
between(2, inf) between(1, 1)
  • Create a modified tree by:
    • Removing adjective predications that added numeric constraints
    • Changing quantifiers that added numeric constraints to udef_q

The modified tree is:

            ┌────── _student_n_of(x3,i8)
udef_q(x3,RSTR,BODY)             ┌────── _table_n_1(x10)
                 └─ udef_q(x10,RSTR,BODY)
                                      └─ _lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x10)

Phase 1: Solution Generation

  • Generate the list of solutions to the modified tree using the approach described in the previous section

Using a (unshown) world state, and using the approach described in the previous section, the solutions to the modified tree are (let’s say):

"students lifted a table"

Tree: udef_q(x3,_student_n_of(x3,i8),udef_q(x10,_table_n_1(x10),_lift_v_cause(e2,x3,x10)))

Solution 1: x3=[student1], x10=[table1]                     "student1 is lifting table1"
Solution 2: x3=[student2], x10=[table2]
Solution 3: x3=[student3], x10=[table3]
Solution 4: x3=[student3], x10=[table4]
Solution 5: x3=[student4], x10=[table5]
Solution 6: x3=[student4], x10=[table6]
Solution 7: x3=[student5,student6], x10=[table7]            "student5 and student6 [together] are lifting table7"
Solution 8: x3=[student5,student6], x10=[table8]
Solution 9: x3=[student7,student8], x10=[table9, table10]   "student7 and student8 [together] are lifting table9 and table10 [at the same time]"
Solution 10: x3=[student9], x10=[table11, table12]          "student9 is lifting table11 and table12 [at the same time]"
Solution 11: x3=[student10,student11], x10=[table13]
Solution 12: x3=[student12], x10=[table14]

Phase 2: Group Generation

  1. For each possible combination of solutions from Phase 1: Walk the x variables in evaluation order.

Start by generating (as yet untested) groups that are all combinations of the above solutions. These may or may not be solution groups, we don’t know yet: we need to test each one:

Group 1:
  Solution 1: x3=[student1], x10=[table1]                     "student1 is lifting table1"

Group 2:
  Solution 1: x3=[student1], x10=[table1]                     "student1 is lifting table1"
  Solution 2: x3=[student2], x10=[table2]

Group 3:
  Solution 1: x3=[student1], x10=[table1]                     "student1 is lifting table1"
  Solution 2: x3=[student2], x10=[table2]
  Solution 3: x3=[student3], x10=[table3]

... etc. (there are *many* more groups not listed)

For each group:

  • For each x variable: Count individuals in the solutions two different ways:
    • Cumulatively: Total the variable individuals across all solutions
    • Distributive/collectively: Group the individuals by the value of the previous variable in the order, and total individuals in this variable per previous value. If the values are all the same, that is the count. If not, this count fails and has no value.
      • If this is the first variable, there is no “previous variable” to use in the “total per previous value” definition of distributive/collective. Therefore, the first can only be totalled cumulatively
  • If either count meets the variable constraints: it succeeds and the next variable in the order is tried
    • If not: this group fails and the next group starts at step #5
  • If the end of the variables is reached and all succeeded, this combination is a valid solution group

Using the constraints we determined:

x3 (students) x10(table)
between(2, inf) between(1, 1)

… let’s analyze each group:

Group 1:
  Solution 1: x3=[student1], x10=[table1]                     "student1 is lifting table1"

x3 is the first variable so we only do the cumulative count for it: cumulative_count=1. The constraint on x3 is between(2, inf). Thus: this group fails.

Group 2:
  Solution 1: x3=[student1], x10=[table1]                     "student1 is lifting table1"
  Solution 2: x3=[student2], x10=[table2]

x3 is the first variable so we only do the cumulative count for it: cumulative_count=2 which passes the constraint between(2, inf). Try the next variable.

x10 gets both kinds of count:

  • cumulative_count=2. This fails the between(1, 1) constraint, but we have one more try…
  • dist_coll_count(student1)=1, dist_coll_count(student2)=1. Both counts are the same so dist_coll_count=1 The constraint on x10 is between(1, 1). Thus: this variable succeeds.

There are no more variables, thus this group is an answer: a distributive answer.


All of the groups that succeed are solution groups and will be valid collective, distributive or cumulative readings of the phrase in that world.

There are some subtleties that need to be address with this algorithm. Namely: which of these solution groups to respond to the user with (described in the next section) and global constraints from words like “the” (described in the section after that).

Last update: 2023-05-17 by EricZinda [edit]